قال: منذ اليوم الأول لزواجي قبل سنوات بعيدة و رأيي مرفوض. ما من شيء قلته وأخذتم به.
ترجمة الطالب أ:
He said: From the first day of my marriage after many long years, and my opinion is refused, there was nothing to say to him and they began with it.
ترجمة طالب ب:
He said: Since the first years of my marriage before the far off years, and my opinion was blocked. There was nothing that I said when you took that up.
بيّن استطلاع للرأي قامت به إحدى الصحف اللبنانية أن نسبة الذين يؤيدون مبدأ الزواج بين أبناء الطوائف الدينية المختلفة تتزايد باستمرار وعلى الأخص بين الشباب.
ترجمات للجملة:
طالب أ:
An opinion poll that was undertaken by one of the Lebanese newspapers clarifies that a rate that many support the principle of civilian marriage between children of the different religious sects and is increasing continually most especially between youths.
طالب ب:
In the opinion poll that was in the Lebanese newspaper a percentage that believes fundamentally urban marriage between different religious factions will continue to increase most especially among youth.
طالب ج:
Between the opinion poll one of the Lebanese newspapers carried out that the percentage, which supports the principal of civil marriage between sons of different religious sects.
أؤكد لكم أن وضع تدريس اللغة العربية في مدارسنا سيسير من سيء إلى أسوأ ما لم نقم بتطوير مناهج التعليم وتحديثها بصورة شاملة.
ترجمات للجملة:
طالب أ:
I agree with you that putting Arabic language studies in our school will make these go from bad to worse unless we develop methods of studying and modernize them in a comprehensive way.
طالب ب:
I assure you all that the state of the teaching of Arabic at our school will go from bad to worse unless we undertake developing teaching methods and they happen completely.
طالب ج:
I assure you that teaching Arabic in school will be bad unless we develop our teaching and use it in a complete and comprehensive picture.
كيف ستقوم بتصحيح كل من هذه الترجمات؟ ما هي المشاكل التي يمكن أن تدل الطالب عليها لكي يأتي بالترجمة أنسب؟